Monday, January 12, 2009

Waiting for Tejan

Sangye and I had a nice day together, especially since yesterday was right out of hell. He had a fever that was not kidding around and I was like an island for his hot little body. We literally just SAT ALL DAY LONG. So this morning, after his fever broke, he greeted us with happy chattering and all kinds of crazy new schemes. We spent lots of time outside running around, chasing garbage trucks, and finding new animal friends. So at the end of our solo time, we waited for Tejan in the car (hence the pic) because it was raining and the temp was dropping fast. Fun times. :)
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1 comment:

  1. I love those, play outside and just explore days! I remember those with Decker. I haven't had much of that with Hannelore, because Decker is still with us all day and doesn't want to just go walking around much anymore. . . but this summer we are going to the waterfalls again and see all the bugs!
